Wow...I can't believe we've had Woody for 10 months. Seems like a lifetime and it seems like yesterday. I can't believe how much I love him. I seriously could hang out with him all day, every day. One look into those deep brown eyes makes me forget even my worst day -- even if it's only for a minute.
I know pets help relieve stress but I guess I never realized how much until Woody. I knew Maxie and Kafka did but dogs are different. They really need you. They need you in a way nobody else needs you. They can communicate with you but it's all verbal cues -- I imagine it's like having a baby for life (but don't get me wrong -- i realize it's easier than having a baby for life).
It's nice to know, no matter how much crap I have to deal with in any given day that I can come home and at least one living being is excited to see me. He doesn't care what my day was like -- he only wants to make it better. And he does...
Okay, for a health update: Woody is doing well. He's still on 3 medications but he hasn't been sick in 2 weeks and he hasn't been licking the floors or carpets. We're weaning him onto some new food. So far, so good...
WOW! I can't believe it's been ten months either. Doesn't seem possible! Happy Woody Anniversary!