Saturday, January 30, 2010

February Blues

Now that January is almost over -- was it the longest January on record or what? Felt like it had 6 weeks in it instead of the standard four. February is upon us and I'm full of nerves -- for both me and Woody. I'm nervous about Woody staying with Andy and Michele for 6 days. Poor Woody. Poor Andy and Michele. He's low key but he's a handful. And he pees. In the house. Not much but enough to make him an unwelcome house guest. Well, he does here about 1x per month. He never has at my mom and dad's house but at Cory and Lou's? Well, that's another story. I'm worried he'll get sick when we're gone. What if his stomach stuff kicks up while we're away? He's been off his medication for a month now and he seems fine. I just worry. And we'll miss him. And he'll miss us. Then there's Maxie...poor Maxie. His thyroid will be a hot mess when we come back if people can't give him his medication. And he'll be really lonely. He hasn't been left alone for this period of time ever -- Kafka was always with him before. He's going to be so sad.

See where I'm going with this? I am going to feel so guilty.

Then it's time for my surgery. They'll both have to be taken care of, again. Then I'll come home and I'll smell different, won't be able to walk and will be in so much pain. And Woody will get underfoot. And I'm afraid I'm going to fall. This is the stuff that keeps me up at night and up early in the morning. If I fall during the first 4-5 weeks and land on my foot -- my foot is toast. That makes me sick to my stomach every time I think about it. It's going to be hard on all of us. I just hope we all survive the next few months. It's going to be a long haul.

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