I have a fair amount to catch up on...The 1st Annual Got Woody Day was a rousing success. We didn't have it when originally planned due to me being sick but we had brunch a week later. Woody didn't seem to mind. It was his first encounter with a 2 year old -- Emmett. E loved Woody and Woody seemed to be pretty fond of E. He tolerated everything Emmett did to him -- which was a lot -- and never nipped. Emmett petted him, put his hands near his mouth, fell on him (it was an accident) once, stepped on his tail (again, an accident) and was even curious enough at one point to touch his penis! LOL! It was hilarious. We gave Emmett a stuffed Snoopy, which he immediately started to call "Woody". It was cute.
Then he went to sleepaway camp at my mom and dad's while we were in NC. He was really good -- didn't misbehave and my mom and dad adore him. My mom said my dad loves to take him for his afternoon walk. The two of them just go out together and trot off into the sunset. Too cute. I love it.
My mom said Woody missed us because there was one day there was someone with a black SUV and two people standing outside of it talking and as soon as he saw it he went buh-nan-ahs! She said it was really cute but then she was sad for him because it was clear he missed us.
Then we went to Holland for Thanksgiving. He had a blast. He got to sleep with us -- a total treat. He's a good bed warmer!
Got mad at Maggie. She's going to get rid of her cat and I read her the riot act. If she can't handle one cat then how does she expect to handle kids? Unbelievable. I hope I made her feel bad. I don't care.
I didn't take any pictures over Thanksgiving. I'll have to take a few. All my pictures are old ones -- I think. Not good!
He is SOOOOOO CUTE! I'm sorry he missed you but WOW he was allowed to sleep with you in Michigan??? What a special treat for him! Got Woody day sounds like fun!