It's been awhile. I guess, after the month we had, no news was good news. This Sunday is "Met Woody Day" when we met him at the shelter. On Tuesday it's "Got Woody Day". This Sunday we're having a party -- beagle dogs and Woodychuck Cider. :) It'll be low-key but I promised him (I know...he's a dog) that if he made it through surgery we'd have a party for him. So, this is also a celebration that he made it through surgery and he's doing so well.
He had a bit of a relapse on Sunday -- started to lick the floors and drool profusely. We just gave him some Pepcid and Pepto and it calmed him down. I think that's just likely to happen from now on from time to time.
He had a Happy Halloween. He wore his Halloween scarf and didn't get any treats but got lots of pets and belly rubs -- even better than food, but only marginally.
I'll try to get my act together and post the lessons this crazy little dog has taught me over the past year. It's been plenty!
oooh he is such a snuggle bunny!