Okay, this post isn't about Woody. It's about Stosh dog. Michele called me today. Looks like Stosh is going to go off to college within the week. Heartbreaking. What can I say about him? He's a kindred soul to Woody. Had a horrendous early life -- Michele found him on I-94 in Indiana protecting his friend, a lab, who had been struck by a car. He had emotional issues (who wouldn't) that make Woody's occasional outbursts look tame. But Andy and Michele took him in and showed him what it meant to trust, to love and to enjoy life. Then, when we moved in next door, I was fortunate enough to be able to spend part of my day, every day, with him. He made me happy when I was sad. Made me laugh when I wanted to cry. He knew when giving him a belly rub would make me feel just as good as it made him feel. And he asked for nothing in return -- except to be loved and accepted.
I had a lot of firsts with Stosh. The first dog I got to dog-sit. The first dog I took to see Santa. The first dog, and only dog, to do a "triathlon" for me. The first doggie birthday, or "Got Stosh Day" I attended.
I've missed him a lot since Andy and Michele moved. I missed walking him. I missed his wet snout nudging my hand to pet him or walk him. I missed seeing him immediately after his summer "puppy cut". I missed cuddling with him on the floor. I just missed him.
I knew he was slowing down. Michele gave me updates and I could see he wasn't his old self when I went to visit. Michele told me a few weeks ago this day was coming soon but I chose to deny it. Couldn't deal with it. How rude when Stosh never put off my pain, my sadness. We're going to Bartlett on Wednesday night to see him. I told Michele I'd be there for them when they make the decision. It's an awful decision. But Stosh has lived 15 long years and he's suffering. It's time to tell him we love him and say good-bye.