I may be biased (aren't all parents?) but I think Woody is the cutest dog EVER. I looked at him last night as we were making dinner and I said to Andrew "Can you believe our luck that we adopted the cutest dog on the planet?" -- what luck!
Woody has quite a reputation. Everyone who meets him loves him...with the exception of Andrew's sister, Maggie. She's not a fan of dogs in general so it's not a surprise. My brother has held him like a baby (and he doesn't hold babies). People in our neighborhood know him by name and one woman last week said "Woody is my FAVORITE neighborhood dog" and her husband asked her "in the WHOLE neighborhood?" and she said an emphatic "yes". Kids run up to him to hug him and rub his ears. Our upstairs neighbor says he "loves that face". Our cleaning lady loves him and another neighbor, who uses the same cleaning lady, said "if he ever goes missing I'd check Galena's house --she adores him". We'd better watch out. This dog could get quite an ego.
Andrew's aunt, uncle and cousin are visiting for the night tonight. I have a feeling there will be three more people in the Woody fan club. I'm not worried -- there's plenty of room!
Woody is my favorite dog too, and I haven't even met him. This is my all time favorite picture of him. He just looks so sweet and lovable!