Sunday, July 12, 2009

On Your Mark...

Dogs mark. Sometimes they even mark inside (which we're none too happy about). Today we were watching Woody as he walked around the house and licked everything. I mean EVERYTHING. He licked my calf. He licked the kitchen floor. He licked the leg on the coffee table. He licked the leg on Andrew's drafting table. Then we watched him as he went up and down the hall and licked the perimeter of the house...then the perimeter of the area rugs. We finally distracted him because I was worried about him licking lord knows what in the corners. I mean, I'm clean but who knows what has built up in the space between the carpet and the walls? I was slightly freaked out so I called Audrey and asked her if Ringo, their cockapoo, ever did it. She said he does it all the time. How bizarro! Blech!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I'm relieved. When I first started reading I thought you were going to say that he was peeing all over your house to "mark" Licking, by comparison, seems pretty okay I think. :)

    I'm sure it's gross but it actually seems kind of cute....from a non dog owner if you want to tell me to shut up, go ahead. :)
